Quartz baskets for parting and gold aneealing
Quartz Parting and Annealing Basket
Quartz parting and annealing basket for bullion
Quartz parting and annealing basket for bullion QBL 25 and QBR25

Quartz parting and annealing basket during the parting process with nitric acid

Quartz parting & annealing baskets for 49 samples
Quartz parting and annealing baskets with 49 thimbles

We supply a range of quartz baskets that allow to carry out the successive parting and annealing operations in the same container. 

The reason this is possible, is that quartz baskets are capable of withstanding:

  • Attack of concentrated nitric acid
  • High temperature necessary for annealing (up to 1000ºC)
  • Thermal shock due to very low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Consequently, they can substitute both parting flasks, and gold annealing crucibles.

Furthermore, they are also suitable for processing samples in parallel during the two nitric acid attacks (the first with nitric acid 33%, the second with nitric acid 49%), and then go directly in the gold annealing furnace (after rincing with water).

In addition to this, the baskets are fitted with removable thimbles with thin slits to evacuate the nitric acid / distilled water and possess a flange at the top to fit the holes of the basket. Thererfore,  it is possible to supply them as spares in case of breakage. There are two types of quartz thimbles / crucibles and they suit most cornet sizes. For bullion analysis that requires 500mg samples, we also supply larger baskets with larger R3 thimbles:

– R1 Thimble: With cross slits with 8mm internal diameter

– R2 Thimble: With laterla slits with 8mm internal diameter

– Larger R3 Thimble for bullion analysis 12mm internal diameter

Types of available quartz thimbles

 Types of available quartz thimbles R3, R1, and R2

Last but not least, we also supply the borosilicate beakers in various sizes to fit the diagonal of the baskets. The beakers are supplied with watch lids or with a chimney to avoid nitric acid spillage at boiling point or to conduct the vapours.

The following parting and annealing baskets configurations are available in stock, and larger baskets (64 or 81 pieces are available under order):

Dimensions (L x W x H)
QBR-957x57x709 (3 x 3)Quartz parting & annealing bsket for 9 samplesBBW-9
QBR-1672x72x7016 (4 x 4)Quartz parting & annealing baskets for 16 samples BBW-16
QBR-2587x87x7025 (5 x 5)Quartz Parting and annealing basket for 25 samplesBBW-25
QBR-36102x102x7036 (6 x 6)Quartz Parting and annealing basket for 36 samplesBBW-36
QBR-49117x117x7049 (7 x 7)Quartz parting and annealing baskets with 49 thimblesBBW-49
QBL-1692 x 92 x 7016 (4 x 4)Quartz parting & annealing baskets for 16 samples BBW-25
QBL-25112x112x7025 (5 x 5)BBW-49
Quartz partind and gold annealing Baskets


Quartz withstands concentrated boiling nitric acid.

Cornets travel untouched through parting / rinsing / annealing.

Assays keep original array – no misplace errors


Quartz resists temperatures up to 1000ºC.

Furthermore, quartz has an extremely low thermal expansion coefficient (5.5×10−7/°C ; 20–320°C).  This allows our parting and annealing baskets to resist rapid and large temperature changes without cracking (they have a great resistance to thermal shock).


Quartz baskets allow full scalability to mass analysis production stage.

Extends inherent parallel processing capabilities of Fire Assay.

Save time and reduce manipulation hazards.


Quartz parting and annealing baskets  save Labour, Reagents (HNO3 – H2O), Reduced Energy consumption.

Beaker with chimney
Beaker with chimney
Handling tools for quarz basket
Handling tools for quarz basket
Stainless St. w/ 600mm handle horiz & vertical move, BH60
Stainless St. w/ 600mm handle horiz & vertical move, BH60